Sunday, February 1, 2009

Ditch Perfection!

Perfection is static...Imitation is redundant! Set aside traditional notions, and leave conformity on the assembly lines...Find your own personality, your own voice and give up the punishing quest for perfection! Get in touch with a time when you were younger, rougher, wilder, more creative, and where there were no "flaws". Put down the backpack of perfection and listen to that small voice inside and follow your best hopes! Perfection takes work, too much work. It is not effortless. There is no effortless perfection. That is an illusion. Give up that punishing quest and create something more for yourself and your life. Fly out of that black hole of perfection. Set aside expectations, and begin with a clean slate. There is no template for what is possible when you become you and not what others want you to be. You can and will be exceptional just being you!
-Dr. Palmer